About the Author
None of my earlier writing prepared me for the rush of telling a story—the one that's in my head and wants to be told. My fondest wish is that readers will laugh and cry and sigh, maybe even think “what if…”

Photo by Kaitlyn Hilleshiem, KayHil Photography
My writing "career" began in third grade when I wrote a story about a pioneer family and decided I'd grow up to be a novelist. The journey to those bright lights took off (Not!) when I was tapped to write the junior high gossip column for our local newspaper.
Over the years, I wrote instructional materials for accountants, exploration geophysicists, and airline pilots. One gig included writing a newsletter on raising dairy goats. (Somebody had to write it!) Returning to my small town newspaper roots, I wrote a humor column on living with teenagers. And believe me, there was never a shortage of material.